Factorio Space Exploration Longplay #12 – Big Motors, Batteries, Copper Plates, and More

In this segment we get closer to satellites in our Space Exploration run. We automate big electric motors, batteries, and a lot more.

Factorio Space Exploration Longplay #8 – Circuits, Sulfur, Spaghetti

We get circuits (finally!), oil processing, sulfur, cliff explosives, and more in this segment.

Factorio Lazy Space Exploration — 041 — Small Electric Motors

4 lanes of iron and 4 lanes of copper makes for a sexy electric motors build.

Space exploration is a mod pack that really puts a lot of great ideas together into a new epic factorio experience! Can we play the whole game without hand-crafting? Time for another epic train network using LTN, and perhaps more cars-on-belts!!
