Factorio Space Exploration Longplay #25 – Steam Battery, Meteor Defense, and More!

In this segment, we experiment with delivery cannons, start storing power to run our umbrella with, set up meteor defenses, set up a Discord server, start turning our eyes to resource expansions, and more!

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/wtD6WGypjR (don’t expect a lot of people to be there!)

Factorio Space Exploration Longplay #24 – CME Defenses, Fetch Quests, Catastrophic Loss of…

In this segment, we do a lot of back and forth between Nauvis and the space platform, as well as cause ourselves some grief with some failed planning.

Factorio Space Exploration Longplay #23 – The Quest for Space Science Packs

In this segment, we begin working toward getting space science packs. Lots of napkin math and pondering in this one.